Archive | February, 2011

Imagine seeing you here: after all it’s not every day that the two nicest people in this big old lousy world get together like this.

28 Feb

“Let us rejoice then, remembering all the grand (but deserved) things that somehow never managed to come our way”

Kenneth Patchen

I have a funny feeling that some very peculiar creatures out there are watching us.

It's really lousy taste to live in a world like this.

I have read the right books, to interpret your looks.

23 Feb

Summer Photographs

22 Feb

Mr. President.

21 Feb


My friends have a fish, he lives in their bathtub, his name is President Fish.

Pretentious – Ass Motherfucker

20 Feb

If you think this is over then you’re wrong.

18 Feb

Pow Wow (or; Screens Pt.3)

17 Feb




Pow Wow is the first in a series of prints exploring the concept of layering in printmaking. It is a combination of Steel Plate Etching and color separation Screen Printing. Based upon an original photograph by Zac Levinson.


Human Mail

17 Feb

Screens Pt. 2

16 Feb

Finished Product to come.

You’re Stuck in My Mind, Overtime.

15 Feb

’08 or ’09